Monday, August 15, 2011

Mustachioed With Carrots

Sophia is almost seven months old!  Wow, time flies so fast!  It seems like we've only had her here for a couple of months.  But that's what happens when you're having fun!

We moved Sophia into her own room a few weeks ago.  She only really fought it for one or two nights.  She's doing much better with it now.  We finally got a table to go next to the crib, and we moved the baby monitor OUT of the crib.  Somehow she knew I could hear her through it, so when she woke up, she would roll over, grab it, and yell, "RARARARARA!!"  Then she would wait to see if I came to get her.  If I didn't, she'd yell again.

We went to the Hogle Zoo on Saturday.  Sophia couldn't have cared less, but Mama and Daddy had fun!  We got to see the baby elephant:

So cute!

And giraffes:


It was a really fun day.  :)

Sophia continues to do pretty good with her "solid" foods.  She has a bad habit of spitting and blowing raspberries right as I get a spoonful of food to her lips, which makes it end up all over me.  But she thinks it's hilarious!

But not too hilarious.

We enjoy life.  Every day.  It has its challenges, and its ups and downs, but it is so worth it.  Especially when we remember that this life is but a teeny moment in eternity.  So, we're trying to love every little thing that we get to experience here, and to build relationships to last forever.  :)

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