Wednesday, April 6, 2011

New Toys

We bought Sophia an activity mat with a "singing" bird attached to it.  She absolutely loves the bird!  I will try to upload the video I have of her, and hopefully it works.  I've never posted videos before.  If you watch carefully, you'll see that Sophia will talk and coo at the bird, then get upset when the bird stops singing.  I think it's hilarious!

We also bought her a swing, which makes a nice napping place.  :)

And she "discovered" her feet yesterday, sort of.  She kept folding herself in half from the bottom up to look at them.  :)

She sleeps pretty good now, although not consistently.  We've had a couple of nights where she sleeps seven hours straight, but that's very rare.  Usually it's between four and five hours, then another two or three.  But she is getting better at going to bed, instead of complaining about it for an hour.  But that might not last either.  :)  I'm learning to take things as they come.


  1. She is so cute! Its so fun when they start do things. Shelby

  2. Such a sweety...look forward to seeing her this weekend.
