Thursday, March 3, 2011


Sophia is now six weeks old, and yesterday I got my first real smile out of her.  I couldn't get a really great picture, but I got a couple of okay ones with my phone.

She is now finally in newborn sized diapers, and certain newborn sized outfits don't completely drown her.  We gave her a bottle for the first time on Sunday.  She did pretty good - she drank it all, and didn't fight it.  She did seem to think it was a little strange.  Other than that, things have been normal with her.
Tim continues to work hard.  He's been teaching classes at work, which has taken a lot out of him.  But he still comes home and helps out.  He's excited that Sophia is being a little more social, as am I.  It makes her seem more like her own person, and less like a doll I need to take care of.  We finally got Tim a new truck, with an actual back seat to put Sophia in.  It's an awesome truck - smooth, quiet, and powerful.  I love it!

I've been good.  I'm anxious for Spring to get here.  My daffodils started to come up, so hopefully that means it's really close!  I can't wait to be able to take Sophia on walks and get fresh air.  This house can get a little stuffy when I'm here all day every day.  I had an appointment with a urologist about my kidney stones.  I have one on each side, about 2-3 millimeters each.  He said they could pass on their own, or we could do the sonic thing to break them up.  But I'd have to go under general anesthesia, which would mess with nursing Sophia.  So, I think we're going to just wait until I'm done nursing her, and then we'll break them up if they haven't come out on their own yet.  So, here's crossing my fingers that they stay put until then!
Well, that's about all from us for now!  Hopefully everyone is doing well!


  1. Sweet little smile...must be getting lots of love & good care!

  2. SO sweet, I love the pictures! Good luck with the kidneys stones... ouch!! boo sad for you, hope they pass with out to much pain!
