Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Only Four Weeks To Go!

We're down to the last month!  I feel like I've been pregnant all year long ... it will be strange to not be pregnant anymore.  People tell me I'm finally starting to look pregnant -- I sure waddle like it.  ;)  We have the nursery pretty well finished, the car seat is installed, the diaper bag is almost completely packed, and our hospital bags are almost fully packed as well.  And yet, I'm not sure I feel ready yet.  :)  Tim has been (as always) the calming influence in my life when I feel overwhelmed.  He is so good about taking care of me and not letting me overdo things.  He is absolutely the best!


  1. eventually you feel as if you can't stand to be pregnant one day longer...then you'll be ready. You look great, it was fun to see ya! Thanks for the verde.

  2. Hannali has a friend over and she just came in with her friend and said "look there's my Aunt Brittany isn't she cute!" You look great! We love you!
