Monday, April 25, 2011

Life Goes On

Sophia is now three months old!  She has gotten better at sleeping.  If we don't let her nap anytime after six, she usually sleeps six or seven hours at night.  She LOVES to suck on her hands ... she even prefers them to her pacifier most of the time.  She tries so hard to laugh, but so far it sounds like a cross between a cough and a shriek.  I just keep waiting for a giggle to just pop out any day now.  She continues to love staring at her feet.  She hasn't quite figured out how to grab hold of them yet, but she did grab onto her hanging toy on her activity mat all by herself the other day, so I'm sure she'll be grabbing her toes soon.

She has really great head control and prefers to be vertical the majority of the time.  We are constantly helping her to sit and stand up.  And when we hold her, she likes to be up and looking out.  She helped Daddy with HOA business on Saturday.

We had a really great Easter.  We spent most of the day at my parents' house.  We colored eggs.  I'm still working on perfecting the rainbow dipped egg.  I try it almost every year.

Tim did some awesome crazy designs with a sharpie before he dipped his eggs.  He is so creative and talented!

Other than that, life continues as normal.  Tim busts his butt at work all day, and I hold down the fort at home.  I am extremely anxious for fresh vegetables from my garden, but that would require the weather to consider leaving winter behind.  I've decided that Utah only has two and a half seasons.  We get summer, half a season of autumn, and winter.  It skips spring altogether.

Anyway, here's a funny video of Sophia.  I call it: Sophia and the Tongue.  Ignore Tim's voice in the background - he's talking on the phone for work.  Have a great day!